Thursday, October 22, 2009

What Gets My Gullies

People wearing what they simply shouldn't.....thats right you know who you are... tops that AREN'T meant to be dresses!!!!! just because it gets there doesn't mean you should..... make-up that is 10 shades too dark... get a mirror and please make sure to use it..... memo to to earth... make-up masks were never in.... people with clothes that are too tight just because you can zip, button or pull it up or over yourself doesn't mean you subject the rest of humanity to your greasily ways.

Thats all folks....


  1. Hehehehehehehhehehe.........i totally agree!
    Good on u CHOCOMAMA!!!!!

  2. Chocomama, i do to agree however, one memo- shirt dresses have always been a key item in my wardrobe! I do understand however, you must be ranting about those whose shirt dresses are not shirt dresses but shirts worn as dresses. Hunny we're in the 21st Century. I guess designers are running out of ideas and the average girl is just attempting to create new ones! Although i would love NOT to see these fashion disasters plastered all over the internet- yeah facebook included, how would you guys feel if our privledges of freely surfing the net were restricted by the Rudd Government via internet censorship?

  3. Thanks there Diim...although i cant help but feel that your focus was taken away from the topic at hand, at the end...and yes i was indeed referring to girls who insist on wearing T-SHIRTS as Diim has clearly pointed out.... there are such inventions and shirt dresses, which prevents such atrocities from being committed. All i ask is more time be dedicated to looking in the mirror before we step out for the day...

    That's all folks.....Stay safe,Dress safe

  4. Watch out "folks"!
    Chocomama forgot to remind you to make sure your mirror is uglyness-proof or else it might just shatter to a million pieces. Who will pick up the pieces then?

  5. HAHA ok ok choco mama, i have to admit, i took some of the focus off your topic just a little! :( BUT i have a WHOLE list of what gets MY gullies that you may or may not agree with:
    (1) How the younger generations are so out there. Not only in attitude but in dress sense, make-up and excessive jewellery! You’re only a kid once. You can only get away with being a kid when you're young so would you why grow up so fast?
    (2) Ignorant People. Smile a bit, life’s not that hard!
    (3) The name ‘Sarah’. No Thanks.
    (4) Asian Food. No sushi man!
    (5) People who pretend that massive things have occurred in their life just to gain the attention of others. This attention tends to lead to sympathy!

  6. OH i forgot. the tragic fashion trend of WOMEN WEARING STOCKINGS WITH OPEN TOE SANDALS. stockings should only be worn with closed shoes!


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